Level V-VI ages 12 +
Please discuss placement in these classes with Nancy Durall.
Many of our upper level classes are taught by Miss Laurie (owner of Dancers’ Studio) and her staff.
- Monday 6:00-7:00 Modern with Dancers’ Studio staff
- Monday 7:00-8:15 Ballet with Miss Laurie
- Tuesday 6:45-8:15 Ballet IV-VI with Mr. Rod and Miss Nancy
- Thursday 6:00-6:30 rehearsal on select Thursdays
- Thursday 6:30-7:45 Ballet IV-VI with Miss Lauri
- Saturday 10:15-1:00 Ballet with Miss Laurie and KRDT
- rehearsals on select Saturdays until 3:30
Students are encouraged to attend intensive training in and out of town. KRDT staff can advise students.
Nancy Durall
859 539-5696
I look forward to hearing from you.